Funny Things to Say in a Class Speech
What better way to engage your audience and lift spirits at the same time than by introducing a funny controversial topic?

We've compiled several lists of fun, silly, and sometimes plain ridiculous questions organized by subject matter that you can use in your class, speech, essay, debate, or any time you need a little conversation starter. They deal with everything you can think of – from toilet paper to Harry Potter to the Universe itself!
But first, let's explore why such topics work.
If you're looking for a more serious tone, however, check out our list of controversial topics.
Why Use Funny Controversial Questions?
A controversial question, almost by definition, is compelling enough to stand on its own. So why add the element of humor?
In the age of social media and short attention spans, it's getting harder and harder to keep people focused on one thing for more than a few minutes.
But it's not impossible.
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You just need two things – a topic that everyone can relate to, and a way of framing it that begs a question your readers and listeners can't resist responding to.
That's where controversial subjects come in. They work because people usually have a strong opinion on them one way or the other. What's more, people might be so sure of their stance on a given topic that they really want to convince those who hold an opposing view to switch sides. This creates a great opportunity for an interesting debate.
But controversial issues may sometimes be too close to people's hearts. Such matters can be so sensitive that people can be offended, and discussions turned into arguments.
That is why you might want to inject humor into your good debate topic. Humor is a natural and immediate way to relate to others, so it's a great way to set the stage for a more serious question without the risk of devolving into arguments. Plus, talking about amusing things can really lighten the mood, making it an effective means of letting off steam even while a more profound conversation is taking place.
In this article:
- Why Use Funny Controversial Questions?
- A List of 127 Funny Controversial Topics and Questions
- Funny Controversial Dilemmas
- Funny Controversial Hypotheticals
- Funny Controversial Topics on the Universe
- Funny Controversial Topics on Morality
- Funny Controversial Topics on Food
- Funny Controversial Topics on Relationships
- Funny Controversial Topics on Sports
- Funny Controversial Topics on Art & Fiction
- Funny Controversial Topics on Children & School
- Funny Controversial Topics on Animals
A List of 127 Funny Controversial Topics and Questions
So let's dive into our funny controversial topics. If you're looking for more serious subjects, check out our Controversial Topics page.
Funny Controversial Dilemmas

There are things we just can't seem to agree on, no matter how much time we spend discussing them. That's why introducing such topics is a great way to let ideas flow. Some of these have to do with people's firmly established views or habits, so it's hard to resist sharing an opinion.
- Is summer better than winter?
- Is spring better than fall?
- Is going out better than staying home?
- What's the right way to pronounce GIF?
- Which came first? The chicken or the egg?
- Should toilet paper hang over or under the roll?
- Are morning people more productive than night people?
- Are blondes really not as smart as brunettes or redheads?
- Is being Instagram famous better than being TikTok famous?
- Is the American accent better than the British accent?
- Are introverts too quiet or extroverts too loud?
Funny Controversial Hypotheticals

Few things are more fun than exploring hypothetical situations, whether in the realm of possibility or fantasy. There's something captivating about putting yourself or others in a made-up situation and exploring the different reactions.
- Is it OK to ask the genie for infinite wishes?
- Would you rather be deaf or blind?
- If you had the option, would you choose to live forever?
- Would you rather be extremely short or extremely tall?
- Would you give up three fingers in exchange for $1 million?
- Would you rather lose both legs, both arms, or one of each?
- Would you rather be rich and have no friends or poor but with many friends?
- Would you rather live in a hot, sandy desert, or the North Pole?
- Would you rather travel 100 years forward or back in time?
- Would you rather fight 100 duck-sized horses or 1 horse-sized duck?
- How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?
- Who would win in a fight between a bear and a gorilla?
- What's the right way for a dog to wear pants?
- If all world leaders were women, would there be wars?
- If you could have one superpower, which one would it be?
- If one superhero was real, which one should it be?
- Would you rather be the hero or the sidekick?
- Should there be a sarcasm font?
- Should we get rid of Mondays?
Funny Controversial Topics on the Universe

We're all fascinated by the mystery of existence, so topics about life and the Universe are immediately captivating. And since questions like these are either as of yet unanswered (or maybe even unanswerable), it's hard to exhaust discussions that deal with them.
- Do aliens exist?
- Have aliens already visited us?
- Does the Universe have a beginning and an end?
- If the Earth is not flat, why do we say the 'corners of the Earth'?
- Can we even know if God exists?
- Are we living in a simulation?
- Are we living in a dream?
- When did time start?
- Are ghosts real?
- Is water really wet?
- Is thirteen an unlucky number?
Funny Controversial Topics on Morality

Morality is no laughing matter. But there's always a lighter side to things, especially when it comes to moral questions that deal with the imaginary or the hardly consequential.
- Is the client really always right?
- Is life easier when you're beautiful?
- Are looks more important than brains?
- Are Santa's elves compensated fairly?
- Should it be illegal for a man to wear skinny jeans?
- Does the person in the middle seat in an airplane get both armrests?
- Is cheating on exams ever justified?
- Is lying to help a friend acceptable?
Funny Controversial Topics on Food

There seem to be endless disagreements on how food should be stored, cooked, eaten, and even served. That's probably why our list of controversial food topics is the longest one. You can probably spend days discussing the questions related to pizza alone. So here's some food for thought (ba dum – tss).
- What's the best pizza topping?
- Does pineapple belong on a pizza?
- Should pizza slices be triangles or squares?
- Is it ever acceptable to eat pizza with a fork and knife?
- Is New York-style pizza better than Chicago-style pizza?
- Is McDonald's better than Burger King?
- Is grass-fed beef better than corn-fed beef?
- Is Coke better than Pepsi?
- Are diet drinks worse than regular drinks?
- Is tap water better than bottled water?
- Is cake better than ice cream?
- Should you bite or lick your ice cream?
- Should red wine be kept in the fridge?
- Should butter be kept in the fridge?
- Should fruit be kept in the fridge?
- Are gluten-free diets overhyped?
- Are hotdogs sandwiches?
- Is cereal a type of soup?
- What is the best fry shape?
- How many slices should you cut cake into?
- Should you eat rice with a fork, a spoon or chopsticks?
Funny Controversial Topics on Relationships

Relationships are hard. It's not easy to figure out what (and who) is right or wrong on any given issue within a couple. That's why a lot of relationship questions have entered the public domain and become hot-button issues – some funnier than others.
- Can men ever know what a woman want?
- Do men actually gossip more than women?
- Should we kiss with open or with closed eyes?
- Are men with beards more attractive than clean-shaven men?
- Should men and women have different roles in a relationship?
- Should arguments in a couple be avoided or encouraged?
- Is it OK to keep secrets from your partner?
- Are long-distance relationships worth it?
- Is sex before marriage wrong?
- Is online dating good or bad?
- Should robots have faces?
- Should dating between co-workers be allowed?
- Should people date a partner much older than themselves?
Funny Controversial Topics on Sports

If you want to grab people's attention or start a lively discussion, it's hard to go wrong with the topic of sports. Even if part of your target audience is not interested in sports, that in itself can become a subject for discussion. Just imagine asking a group of people if baseball is boring!
- Is dancing a real sport?
- Is e-gaming a real sport?
- Is pro-wrestling a real sport?
- Is bodybuilding a real sport?
- Is cheerleading a real sport?
- Is golf more boring than curling?
- Have touchdown celebrations gone too far?
- Which one is the real football – soccer or American football?
Funny Controversial Topics on Art & Fiction

Whether it's songs, films, books, or paintings, art is always subjective. Or is it? That's one controversial and fun question to consider! In any case, it's always fun to discuss topics related to art and popular fiction, as people are usually familiar with them and eager to share an opinion.
- Are movies better than books?
- Are e-books better than paper books?
- Is music getting worse over time?
- Are The Beatles overrated?
- Is Bansky's work real art or just a stunt?
- Is contemporary art as good as classical art?
- Is Marvel better than DC?
- Is Star Wars better than Star Trek?
- Is American Idol better than The X Factor?
- Is Friends better than How I Met Your Mother?
- Is Harry Potter better than The Lord of the Rings?
- If Harry Potter-like magic existed, should it be legal?
- Is Wile E. Coyote the victim, rather than the Road Runner?
- Did Han Solo shoot before Greedo?
Funny Controversial Topics on Children & School

Should students be paid to go to school? Should parents force children to do homework if they don't want to? These are just some of the questions related to kids and school that can stir a fun debate.
- Are children smarter than adults?
- Do nursery rhymes carry hidden messages?
- Are smartphones making kids smart or stupid?
- Should a student be allowed to use Twitter, Facebook or other social media sites in school?
- Should students be banned from using phones during class?
- Are beauty pageants hurting children's self-esteem?
- Is playing video games bad for children's health?
- Do video games make kids smarter?
- Is the Barbie doll a good role model for girls?
- Are clowns funny or scary?
- Should a kid be allowed to keep secrets from parents?
- Should a kid be allowed to get tattoos?
- Should homework be banned?
- Should science be optional in middle school?
- Is science more important than art in school?
- Should we stop teaching handwriting in school?
Funny Controversial Topics on Animals

As much as we'd like to ask our animal companions a few things, it seems unlikely that we'll get a coherent answer. So we're left with discussing some animal issues among our own species.
- Do dogs dream?
- Are dogs smarter than cats?
- Are cats better pets than dogs?
- Are bunnies better pets than either cats or dogs?
- Are fish the best pet?
- Do animals have emotions?
- Do animals have consciousness?
- Are cats evil?
Looking for a funny debate topic? Check out our page dedicated to those. Or if you want to start a more serious discussion, visit our Debate Topics page.
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